
Eu Yan Sang TCM Clinics

Consultation Fees
  Physician Associate Senior Physician Senior Physician
First Consultation $25 $30 $40
Subsequent Consultation $15 $20 $25
First Consultation (Long) $40 $50 $60
Subsequent Consultation (Long) $25 $30 $40
Dispensing Fee $8
Treatment Fees
Acupuncture $40 - $80 $50 - $90
Scraping / Cupping $35 - $60 $45 - $70
Tuina $30 - $60 $40 - $70
Paediatric Tuina $60 - $80 -
Dressing/ Bandage $20 - $30
Auriculotherapy (Plaster) $12 - $20
Infrared Therapy Lamp $6
Heat Blanket $6
Acupuncture Stimulator $6
Herbal Medication Fees (per day)
  According to type & weight of prescription (from $11 per day onwards)
Point of Care Tests Fees
Pregnancy Screening Test $10

Eu Yan Sang Premier TCM Centres/
TCM Centre @ Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital

Consultation Fees
  Physician Associate Senior Physician Senior Physician
First Consultation $40 - $50 $50 - $70 $70 - $90
Subsequent Consultation $25 - $40 $30 - $50 $40 - $70
Dispensing Fee $12
Treatment Fees
Acupuncture $60 - $100 $70 - $120
Scraping / Cupping $35 - $60 $45- $70
Tuina $40 - $60 $50- $80
Paediatric Tuina $60 - $80 -
Dressing/ Bandage $20 - $30
Auriculotherapy (Plaster) $12 - $20
Heat Blanket $6
Acupuncture Stimulator $6
Herbal Medication Fees (per day)
According to type & weight of prescription (from $13 per day onwards)
Point of Care Tests Fees
Pregnancy Screening Test $10

Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Above prices are subject to prevailing GST.


PAssion Card Privilege

Enjoy Black PAssion Card and Passion Silver / Platinum Card Privilege...
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Fight The Flu With TCM

In TCM, flu is perceived as an invasion of a body by external pathogenic factors (邪气)...
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Balance is a very important concept in TCM. If you have symptoms like insomnia...
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